QAL MEDICAL, USA One of the largest manufacturer of CPM Machines covering the whole range of Upper & Lower Extremity.

Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) is a postoperative therapeutic modality that passively – without patient effort – moves a joint through a prescribed range of motion (ROM) for an extended period of time. There are CPM devices for the HAND, WRIST, FOREARM, ELBOW, SHOULDER, JAW, GREAT TOE, ANKLE AND KNEE.

Range of Upper Limb CPM Machines

A2E-100U A2E Elbow CPM Machine
PS1-100U  PS1 Pronation/Supination CPM Machine
S3D-100U  S3D Dual Drive Shoulder Machine
S3D-200U S3D Dual Drive Shoulder CPM Machine with Chair
S3H-100U S3H Bed Mount Shoulder CPM Machine
S3S-100U        S3S Single Drive shoulder CPM Machine
S3S-200U S3S Single Drive shoulder CPM Machine with Chair
W2-100U W2 Wrist CPM Machine
Waveflex 6000 Waveflex 6000 Hand CPM Unit  
E3-100U            E3 Elbow CPM Machine

Range of Lower Limb CPM Machines

IEC480 (240) 480E Lower Limb CPM Machine
IEC520 (220 V) 520 Lower Limb Anatomical CPM Machine
L4D-100U L4D Lower Limb CPM Machine
L4KD-100U L4KD Lower Limb CPM Machine
A3-100U A3 Ankle CPM Machine
T1-100 T1 Toe CPM Machine

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